Anche questo mese ho messo in cantiere
un lavoretto per
"Natale insieme tutto l'anno"
il SAL di Marina che continua,
durante l'anno, il bellissimo
"Natale in soffitta" di Nadia....
Per chi non lo avesse capito
siamo delle invasate del Natale!
Good morning!
This month I put in the pipeline
a job for
"Christmas together throughout the year"
the SAL Marina continues,
during the year, the beautiful
"Christmas in the Attic" by Nadia ....
For those who had not understood
we are the potted Christmas!
Good morning!
This month I put in the pipeline
a job for
"Christmas together throughout the year"
the SAL Marina continues,
during the year, the beautiful
"Christmas in the Attic" by Nadia ....
For those who had not understood
we are the potted Christmas!
Ecco qui il mio segnalibro.... all'anice stellato
Here is my bookmark .... star anise
Here is my bookmark .... star anise
Un po' pittura, un po' ricamo, lino , tela aida 55
e pizzo della nonna,
tutti rigorosamente scampoli riciclati
A little 'painting, a little' embroidery, linen, aida 55
and lace of her grandmother,
all rigorously recycled scraps
A little 'painting, a little' embroidery, linen, aida 55
and lace of her grandmother,
all rigorously recycled scraps
Ed ecco le mie compagne di Natale
And here are my companions Christmas
And here are my companions Christmas
Manu - Tina - Laura - Franca Paola - Isabella -
Anna Maria - Glo - Anna - Denise - Adriana -
Passate a far loro visita... vi lustrerete gli occhi!
Un abbraccio speziato!
Go to visit them ... you will shine on your eyes!
A spicy hug!
Go to visit them ... you will shine on your eyes!
A spicy hug!